




 Can I test essential oils myself?
 Yes. Try these simple comparisons.
Test 1.
Smell. One of the most obvious ways to test one essential oil in comparison to anther is to smell them one after another. DoTERRA’s oils will likely be obviously different.

Test 2.
Touch. Place a drop of doTERRA oil on your right pointer finger, have someone else place the same essential oil by another company on your left pointer finger. Now rub your thumbs and forefingers together with your eyes closed. DoTERRA oils should be very clean, thin, and almost crisp. They will be absorbed almost immediately into the skin. Essential oils are not slick or oily in the sense that you might think of a vegetable oil or olive oil.

Test 3.
One test that some have found easy and informative is a simple consistency, fluid and flow test. Basically a poor (very poor-mass chromatography test). To do this test, take a clear glass pane (from a picture frame works well.) Place it on a table and prop one end up using a pen or pencil. The glass should be at a very slight angle. Now take a doTERRA essential oil and an oil from another essential oil company and place one drop of the doTERRA oil on the top right of the glass. Now take the essential oil from the other company and place a drop of it on the top left. They will begin to run down and you will see how they react. There viscosity, how they dry and /or evaporate, the residue that they do or do not leave. After the begin to dry observe how the drop residue looks and feels. Check again once they completely dry. See if one takes longer to evaporate or dry. These will all be evidence of how different the oils are.
If an oil never dries completely or leaves a sticky residue or you can still feel a fair amount of texture from a dried drop, you likely have an oil that has impurities in it.
這種測試 雖然簡單卻很有學問,它可以測出精油的濃稠度和流速,有人就謔稱這方法是窮人的「氣相層析質譜儀」。做這測試時,首先準備一片乾淨的玻璃板,然後在板子上 方墊一隻筆讓它翹起後微微傾斜一些角度,並分別在玻璃左上方及右上方各點一滴多特瑞及它家廠牌的精油,請留意觀察精油流下的速度,你會發現它們兩者的濃稠 度、揮發速度、和殘留情形等截然不同,不好的精油因摻有不良雜質,因此,揮發速度慢,並且完全蒸發後,也會留下殘留物。



如果您是芳療同業,正為事業無法蒸蒸日上而不知所措,又或者您喜愛精油而想從事銷售精油相關工作, doTERRA有非常多的 精油使用見證,在此鄭重推薦給您,相信可使得您的業績扶搖直上,竭誠邀請您聯絡我們洽談合作計畫。





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